It dawned on me that I only have two baking books (not counting BH&G) -

- Simple Art Of Perfect Baking - Flo Braker (why doesn't B&N have any of these available?!)
- Tartine
Thank you!
Ever since "improving" (used very loosely here) boxed mac & cheese while in grade school - the art and entertainment that is called "food" has intrigued me! Having recently felt like a frustrated "artist" with no creative outlet - I decided to explore food (with interest in baking) as an art form to study, practice and of course - share!
Oh boy, where to start... King Arthur Flour has a lot of neat books. I've got the general baking one. Anything by Nick Malgieri. A lot of people are into "Baked, New Frontiers in Baking". "Baking with Julia" is a compilation effort with many different bakers, baking with Julia Child. My new favorite isn't exactly baking, but it's still confection related, "The Perfect Scoop" by David Lebovitz.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, good luck choosing :)
P.S. What I like to do is to check cook books out at the library and maybe even try a few recipes to see if it appeals to me and if the recipes work out.
I am addicted to baking books!! I have so many lovely ones - and have EVEN more on my list.
ReplyDeleteExcluding Dorie Greenspan's, Baking: From my Home to Yours (which you already have, and is one of my firm favourites), here are some of my favourites that I have on my shelf and reference regularly - I'm assuming you mean more dessert baking over bread baking???
1. The Secrets of Baking - Sherry Yard (my all round go to book)
2. Desserts by the Yard - Sherry Yard
3. Baking with Julia - Dorie Greenspan (anything with Dorie and you can't go wrong!)
4. Chocolate Desserts - Pierre Herme & Dorie Greenspan (just divine to look at with all the pictures)
5. Tartine - Pruditt/Roberson (already suggested above, great book)
6. Martha Stewart Baking Handbook - Martha Stewart (good all round reference)
7. Indulge - Claire Clark (pastry chef at French Laundry - beautiful inspiration)
8. Sweet Desserts - Alice Medrich
9. Home Baking - Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid (beautiful stories and recipes from around the world - but limited pictures)
10. Kaffeehaus - Rick Rodgers (a nice break from the usual with a Eastern European slant)
I have a bunch of other references for basics such as cookies and cupcakes (e.g. Martha Stewart) as well as cake decoration books, but the above are probably my more 'solid' references.
I don't have, but agree with the recommendation for David Lebovitz's Perfect Scoop (have his Sweet Life in Paris book), as well as Nick Malgieri.
I also don't have, but read good things about Rose Levy Beranbaum.
Good luck with your selections.
Hm... there's a LOT of great books. I usually go "shopping" at Williams Sonoma and browse their baking books. If I see something I like, then I usually order it online, Amazon (used) is a great place to get new or near-new books. Also - check them out at your library for a test run - I always do that as well.
ReplyDeleteHere are my favorites (I have your two displayed - love them)!
* Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook (a MUST have)
* " " Cookies
* " " Cupckakes
* Baking with Julia
* Modern Baker - Nick Malgieri
* Tartine (a MUST have)
* Art & Soul of Baking (by Sur La Table)
* Baked (Matt Lewis) another "Must have"
* Pure Chocolate (Fran Bigelow) for the most decadent chocolate desserts
* Sky High Cakes
* Southern Cakes
That should be enough to get you started - or addicted!
(I see a lot of my favorites on the lists above!) I love Pure Dessert by Alice Medrich, Baking by the Yard by Sherry Yard, Modern Baker by Nick Malgieri, A Year in Chocolate by Jacques Torres and Bob's Red Mill Baking Book. Those are my faves :)
ReplyDeleteFWIW, I think you already have two of best cookbooks out there. So you're on the right start!
Thanks to each of your for your suggestions..... that is quite a list with what looks like some great resources! I am very much looking forward to expanding my library and sharing some projects here! I appreciate your insights and wish you happy baking!